
Monday, 19 October 2015

Ouidah in Pictures

First of all, as stated in my first post,  Beniniose are aggresively hostile.
A second trip had to affirm this belief of mine.
And I am still trying to wrap my head around why the border police refused to collect their currency and insisted on the Nigerian Naira. I will someday write about my seme border experience.

Is this my last trip to our beloved neighboring nation, No.
I intend to visit again but not anytime soon.

So I visited the town of Quidah in Benin Republic with three friends and a new friend over the Eid Al Adha holiday. It was a short holiday, but totally worth the trip despite the madness at experienced at the Seme border.

The plan was to go solo after a friend I had hoped would travel with me, declined because of an earlier planned trip of hers. So I shared the travel plan with a couple of friends and I ended up going with the travel partners I ended up with.

Even though I always draw up an itinerary, I usually do not follow it through.
This is even difficult especially when travelling with a group.
One thing I regret not achieving now is the visit to the python temple.

Every one backed down for one reason or the other and I just gave up on it.

I am not really the travel shopping person but more of the explore my environment and food person.
My travel companions were more rather interested in shopping and there were moments when I was just frustrated. But that was a small price to pay, as moments will everyone was worth it.

We stayed in the Hotel de la Diaspora, a beach front hotel. Every morning, I took walks on the beach to watch the sunrise. It was so beautiful and calming.

Camera: Nikon D3100
                HTC 526G
Lens: Nikon 50mm and Tamron 70-300mm

Until my next adventure.



  1. I NEED to befriend you!!!! I Want to explore more places but lack the liver. I think your take on traveling will compliment mine. Take me with you on the non-pocket-tearing- trips.....
    I am not even kidding!!!

    1. Hahaha, I will let you know when planning another one.

  2. Stunning pictures as always :)

  3. I thought i commented on this post already...hian!

    Anyways, I just nominated you for an award on my blog here:

  4. It seems like a fine place to vacation, serene and clean. Lovely photos Lara. Greetings to you!

  5. Blessings and thank you for sharing.

  6. Nice! Beach looks really peaceful!

  7. Very lovely pictures... i am an explorer too! let me know of your next adventure and i'll do same! Blessings! you can also check out my blog at

  8. Wow, breathtaking pictures and we are all grateful for it. We need to do this more often to explore our continent. You have now become an official ambasador for promoting tourism to Benin bestowed on you by Activeghman. Don't reject this important appointment okay. On a lighter note your tale reminds me of an incident between a cousin of mine who is an American born and raised Ghanaian American and his Ghanaian wife. We visited Paris together and whilst he wanted to visit the museums and explore all that Paris has she wanted to go shopping and that produced a sizeable amount of tension. You know shopping involves money and my cousin did not see the point since according to him some of those things can be found in the US. Till now I still find it funny whenever I remember the episode. They weren't talking to each other for two days just because someone could not have her way. Funny indeed.

    1. I can imagine the tension between your Cousin and his wife, I think a post will come up on that soon. Thansks for the unofficial ambassador position.
