
Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Benin Republic: A Pit Stop At a Cathedral in Porto-Novo

I cannot for the name of me remember the name of this cathedral we visited in Porto-Novo, not even Sandra who was looking for a Reverend Father to bless her newly purchased rosary can remember the name of the cathedral. You see this is Sandra's first time in a church since her accident, I practically dragged her into the church.

I always find religious houses fascinating especially cathedrals, there is always this attention paid to every detail of the structure.



  1. wow such lovely pictures! there are def beautiful sights to see in africa :)

  2. Nicee... I have missed some of your travel post sha... Leemmie gaan catch up.

    Always very weary of these boarder people is why one will not be too eager to visit these neighbouring countries... ish!

  3. I like this. Travelling is one of my greater hobbies. Havent been to Benin during my visits to that side of the continent but will sure put it on my list when I come down in June. Lovely cathedral..great pics!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  4. Interesting photos, and Benin is on my list of places to visit in the nearest future.

  5. Interesting photos, and Benin is on my list of places to visit in the nearest future.

  6. Great to hear your friend's slowly getting out and about now!
    Benin looks quaint and chilled out. Would you recommend a random visit?
    Been a bit Lara. Need a blog update fix!

  7. Wow these are lovely pictures of Benin and the cathedral. Its a shame you can't remember the name of the cathedral. Then again you are doing better than me. I wish I could document my travels the way you do it. I will visit Benin one of these days on my travels to Ghana. Lara, you have become the unofficial ambassador for the Benin Tourism Department lol! Keep it up.
