The Grey to my Yang's birthday

It was my home girl's birthday on the 25th of October.
My tomato Jos is 30.
She is the Grey to my Yang, you need to watch Grey's Anatomy to our relationship.

It's a big deal turning 30.
Sandra turning 30 is a bigger deal to me and everyone who knows her.
When she told me to turn up for paint ball on her birthday, I was so excited.
Not even the rain would keep me from celebrating my girl.

It feels great to see her walking without her walking stick, even if it was just for that day.
She has spent her last 2 birthdays bedridden in Igbobi and with the aid of  crutches.
Her life has practically been on hold since the 7th of September 2012.

Everyday I am grateful to God for this beautiful soul.
Sandra is such a strong girl, she is the life of a party.
She never gave up hope during those dark days, her optimism was so contagious.

I can't wait for the day when she will no longer work with any form of aid or limp.
I know that day is coming soon.
And while we wait, we still get to have fun and enjoy life

Someday I will write about my friend. for now I celebrate her life, her awesomeness and zeal for life.

Praying for Mark's Successful delivery of pizza, turkey and orishirishi ijekuje


Molara Brown



  1. I thank God for her life. Wishing her many more years and full health and a life of happiness and blessings.

    PS, that last pic is so funny!

  2. Wishing her many more amazing years

  3. Awww... Thank God for her life.

    Happy Birthday to her. Many more fulfilling years

