
"Ayo ti e na ade o"
"Ire akari o"
These 2 words and countless other related to it has been constantly drummed into my ear since news of my younger sister's pregnancy and marriage became public news. I am tired of the fake smiles and the countless 'amins' I have had to say. I had to drum it into my mother's ear not to expect news of  marriage or pregnancy from me in the next 2 years, my priorities are so far from that life right now.

I have been floating for a while, I have no choice but float for if I don't float, I shall drown. I wished I could swim but since that is not an option the only option is to float...kindly do not read this as suicide. My world seems to be at a standstill...I am more spiritual and closer to God

I finally moved from a size 14 to size 12, I lost about 10kg in a month...my method is not advisable, I starved  myself since I am not one for exercise...my goal is to go down to a size 10, since size 8 is not really cute for me.

My sudden absence from the web was because I lost my internet modem during my last trip out of Lagos to Abeokuta. I still do not know if it was stolen or I misplaced it, but the possibility of misplacing is slimmer to the idea that it was stolen.

Getting a job in Nigeria is so crazy, most of the recruiters are so unprofessional and right now I am just hanging in there. I went through the whole recruitment and selection process with a firm, only to find out that the organization and whole project is in its development phase with nothing concrete in place...sigh, the plight of the jobseeker in Nigeria is terrible.

Thanks to Theater-Notes and PET for the constant encouragements and  checkups.

I see all the Liebsters awards, I shall get right to it as soon as I sort out my internet issues.


Molara Brown



  1. *Hugs*

    14 to 12 in one month? I hate you, been trying to achieve same since January and this is April already with no progress :d

  2. Hang in there sweetie. I have two loved ones looking for jobs in Nigeria and it is not funny at all. Take care..

  3. welcome back dia... it's been so long...all the best in your job hunting. tata

  4. Yours will come at the appropriate time, but like you rightly mentioned, it is good to make plans and ask God to help fulfill them. Happy Sunday!

  5. Wow, I don't envy your current situation now but I will like to ask a question if I may. Are they mutually exclusive; searching for the job of your dreams and getting married? I know that it takes on average one year on the job hunt in Africa to get a decent job. You are able to get it quicker if you are able to rely on personal connections and the whom you know advantage. But what I will like to say to you is that there has been countless of people I know both in Nigeria and Ghana who took between six months and two years to get a job after returning from a period abroad either to study or for traineeship and in the end the wait was worth it. I am sure there is a special job out there waiting for you and it is only a matter of time that you will bump into it. 2013 is your year of breakthough for both career and personal relationship. You just have to claim it.

    1. I hope and pray I don't have to wait that long...2years is just a long wait...I claim the prayer...thank you.

  6. Good luck with the job search, dear. We're in the same boat. I know you'll find something soon.

    And good job with the weight loss!

  7. blessings.....
    Please take care, while starving yourself will give you the desired look it will also reek havoc on your system sending it into starvation mode hence it will being to hoard all foods and store it as fat making your body more vulnerable to putting on weight. The advisable option is to cut portion size and increase walking thus when you loss the weight its more incline to stay off as your body has adjusted to the smaller portion size (shrinking your stomach) and its use to you moving. Walking is a great way to build your stamina and get your exercise.

    i have been doing my reading....gave myself another goal, this year 120 books by year end, last year i read a total of 105.


  8. Congratz on that weight loss dear, may the almighty grant your heart desires

  9. awwww pele dear. Are you in Lagos? then we should meet up !!! The situation in 9ja is truly something else.... hugs. Hang in there. Something good will happen soon

    1. Yes we should, I will drop you an email to discuss the meetup...cheers.

  10. Hang in there darling, something good will come through soon!

  11. Like every other person has said... I can only add my own voice to say, please hang in there ok? Your time is hear. Best wishes!

  12. Have you considered going back abroad to work? There are many countries out there that are in need of your skills (whatever it is). about weight loss thing, starving yourself isn;t a great idea. portion control, healthy eating is the key. I'm very lazy when it comes to exercising too, but the only thing i have control over is the kind of food and the quantity of it that I eat.
    All the best with your job hunt. Good thing you live in a tropical country and can at least go for a walk or something! Enjoy your free time while you have it :)

  13. dont worry about the job it will come by God's grace. wow about your weight loss. that is commendable. i love your blog. www.secretlilies.blogspot.com

  14. You'll swim again, do not despair!

  15. Reiterating PET's words. You will swim again.
    I did get scared with that picture and the post title.

    hang in there alright? He will make a way where there seems to be none. Keep believing.

  16. LOL@Nigerian recruiters. I know what you mean. But that was just wrong.

    You are one of those fortunate people who would get excellent jobs in the next few weeks. :D

  17. Hang in there dear. The Lord is your strength. *hugs*

  18. Congrats on the weight-loss dear. Don't worry. Everything will turn out just fine eventually. Just make sure you do your things on your own terms and fully trust in God. You will be just fine. Job search in Nigeria is not funny at all. Too many people are qualified for the same job and the employer sometimes has his friends and relatives who need the jobs to consider. But God will give you a very good one soon.

  19. I join the many voices to say all will fall into place and all will be well.

  20. ayo nan a kari. tiwo nan a de.

    I say the amin and even swallow hard. Good prayer isn't it?

    I know how that feels like and I am just going to be living my life and saying Thank You! for the prayer.

    1. and I wish you the best on the job search. all iz well.

  21. :)hiya.tnx visiting my blog and ur comment.i decided to chk out yours also and i like :)i can totally relate to your post.Those yoruba ever haunting words.lol.secretly saying we are waiting and expecting yours oh!all we can do is fake a smile and amins till the days of our own celebration comes and the words r lifted and transferred to someone else. Congrats 2ur sis btw. as per ur weight loss u cn check out 'So you think you can cook?' group on fb.really helpful tips. To get job in Naija na war!mostly connects and personal recommendations,you can subscribe to job sites to and some companies actually reach out to prospect through Linkedin.wish you all the best with the job hunt.


