Around the world: Views from the sky

For most of my air travels I usually get the window seat...I am so obsessed with the window seat and that is the first thing I check for whenever I do online check in or ask over the counter when checking in physically.
There is something about looking into the clouds from the airplane that I find soothing asides from the fact that I hate been disturbed by those seat partners who always have a need to get up every time.

Below are some of the pictures I took whenever I am able to draw my eyes away from the amazing view and remember I actually could capture those moments.

Somewhere between Europe and Africa
View of Dusseldorf city from the sky

Charleroi, Belgium
Dusseldorf, Germany
Frankfurt, Germany
Istanbul, Turkey





  1. These are beautiful aerial shots, and I envy your guts! I just try to catch some sleep the moment I'm onboard.

  2. Beautiful. i wanto be like you in the future, travelling round the world.

  3. I love your pictures... I love window seats too, infact I am very particular about sitting by the window, looking outside gives me some kind of peace I cannot explain and looking at your pictures made me smile :)


  4. I don't like window seat at all. I don't want anything that reminds me of how high up and far away from ground I dey. I have a phobia for heights.

  5. You and me both. If its not a window seat, I no go! Lol…. By the way, I nominated you for a leibster award. I can’t wait for your answers!

  6. You have an award to pick on my blog :)

  7. Great shots, reminds me of some of my own trips. I love the window seat as well, and the clouds soothe me. Love the shapes, the colors, the outlook to the horizon, the mountains and rivers below when there's less cloud. Simply amazing.

  8. Haha I love taking photos from airplane windows too!!!

  9. I love window seats too. Beautiful shots.

  10. Yes o, its window seat or bust, i take pictures too when i fly , these are lovely :)

  11. I love window shots... flying is actually super therapeutic for me (once you get through the security melee)

    Confessions Of A City Girl / Check out my eyewear line Enerjiee

  12. You're in Istanbul! Ohhhh, but I loooove that city! Have fun and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! (And I, too, take photos from the window seat. It's like magical sitting there.)

  13. Great shots... More amazing is the fact that you love window seats. Most women I know would never near a window seat... not even by one pole. lol. U get liver o!

  14. I love window seats. It's so easy to lose yourself by staring at the blue sky and white fluffy clouds. Take me in your suitcase on your next trip.
    I've nominated you for the Liebster award.

  15. I like these shots. they're beautiful & you're really doing a great job. Please how can I contact you through e-mail?

  16. really lovely aerial shots you've got there. I love window seats. Never thought of taking pictures though.

  17. these are really beautiful shots

  18. I love window seats too. Always gunning for them.

    Love the shots.

