Home is where my heart is...

I think I am done travelling.
I am done living far away from home.
I am done living without my families and friends.

I returned to Germany on Wednesday, Turkish Airline decided to misplace my checked-in luggage. Everyone said I should not panic, my luggage came in today. I was in Lasgidi for 10days, I miss home. I am not sure Germany would ever grow on me, I think I left a part of me in India and the other part of  me longs for home.

I got to celebrate Eid with my family, I got to step into a mosque after so long and I was home for my mother's birthday. I went to mark attendance in the CIPM exam hall because I just was not prepared for that exam. I was able to see few friends, but I was so tied up that it was exhausting just been there. Lasgidi is still very much the same and just like home that it is, I felt at home. I did not even mind the power cut, my phone was practically dead most of the time and airtel had a field day chopping my credit anyhow.

My little sis, Zainab is all grown up, Aisha is now a graduate, too many stories floating around, everyone is so different and yet still the same...it felt good to be home. It actually felt right and, home is definitely where my heart is.
Istanbul Airport, Turkey
Good to see my Nigerian-India family again in the homeland
Meet up with friends from Unilag/AIESEC Lagos Alumnis
At The Place, GRA...after eating Asun and laughing so hard at my friend's gist.
At the EID praying Ground with Aisha
Lil Zainab is all grown now
My Bestie and her beautiful family.
Friends from secondary school

The departure

Now I long for home and I shall definitely be back.

Kisses from Bonn
♥ Lara

Molara Brown



  1. Awww...lovely pictures. Hope you had a safe trip back?

  2. Nice pictures. You must have really enjoyed your visit.

  3. AWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!....Home is where the heart is o but remember why u started this journey in the first place..Let that drive you atleast for now..xx

  4. You truly were busy & seemed like u wasted no time at all. Beautiful pictures. There's no place like home jere. Let the pictures keep you warm till your next visit :)

    Welcome back *hugs*

  5. You truly were busy & seemed like u wasted no time at all. Beautiful pictures. There's no place like home jere. Let the pictures keep you warm till your next visit :)

    Welcome back *hugs*

  6. Home is definitely where the heart is, no matter how long you've been gone. Don't worry, you'll be back soon.

  7. @Lara

    I think am relating to this post the most since I have lived away from family and friends for one year now,lol You are growing in Germany, that's where you will be the strongest and discover your strength. If you stayed home in Naija, it's your comfort zone and you will be chilling chilling.lol

    Love ya girl, hang in tight. Allah has a plan for your life, it's going to be alright once you are to be in Naija, Naija will be home at the right time. :=)

    1. yes oh, Naija will be home at the right time...thank you for the words

  8. World Traveller.. Welcome Home....

  9. Eid ul Fitri dear. I thought of you!!
    Glad you had the opportunity to come home and celebrate with family. Nothing beats that.
    I am with Destiny. Being away from home is an opportunity to discover you. Tschuss!

  10. lovely pictures. you're really a world traveller

  11. *singing*... there is no place like home, home sweet home... when I go south, west, east and north I will always come back home. Home is definitely where the heart is my dear, thank God your family and friends are all doing great, best wishes!

  12. Awww, nice pictures. Like @toinlicious said 'Let the pictures keep you warm till your next visit'

  13. You obviously had fun. Lovely pictures.

  14. Looks like u had lots of fun :)


