
Sunday, 1 July 2012

Dear India

Dear India,

I never gave you the chance.
I never gave myself time to mourn you, I moved on quickly.
I never gave myself time to appreciate you. I was too focused on moving on to an organized society, to a new life and experience to remember that you made me what I am today.
You nurtured me, you gave me an opportunity even my father land was not ready to give me.

In you, I became a truly independent woman.
In you, I learnt to love and appreciate life more.
In you, I got to see beyond the colors of the skin and see everyone for the beautiful individual which they truly are.
In you, I began to appreciate colors, to see the beauty of life. That even in poverty, there is beauty, there is life and there is joy. I learnt to be contented with life's offerings. You never for a day judged me, rather you looked on and wondered why I judged you so much.

In your embrace, I learnt to fly. I got to embrace the true me, the woman I am destined to be.
In your bosom, I loved. In your bosom, I lost love and found love again.
In your bosom, I learnt to face my fears and try anything I set my mind on even if it fails
I fell in love with maaza despite the fact that I hate mango.

I have learnt to be alone and appreciate loneliness.
I have met citizens of the world and grown to become a global citizen.
I learnt to appreciate my origin, my language, culture and the beauty of my fatherland.

I will forever be grateful to you for every opportunity you gave and for the best 17months of my life

N.B: I would have a post soon where I would answer any questions you ask regarding my life in India, just ask and I shall answer.

Kisses from Bonn
♥ Lara


  1. Very lovely piece. Good you enjoyed your stay.
    I like the outfit on you; beautiful.

  2. sure had a great time ..nicely written :)

  3. love when people do post like this, sweet :=)

  4. Eeyaaa. India must have influenced you big time

  5. Nice... its not difficult to know you enjoyed ur stay in India :)

    - LDP

  6. I can imagine. Even though I didnt stay in China for as long as you stayed in India, I didnt start enjoying China until after I left.

  7. What a lovely thankful post.
    Laaahraaah, I want that Sari right now!!!pretty please :)
    For this I will find my way to Bonn.

  8. Very lovely...reads like a TV Ad!

  9. Lovely write. And I love the sari on you. I even imagine myself in it one day when I'll hopefully look decent in it.

  10. hmm...India so appeals to me right now from what I read here. The attire looks good too.

  11. "In your bosom, I learnt to face my fears and try anything I set my mind on even if it fails" ooh Lara, this is so beautiful!! You definitely fell in love with India for sure and that dress looks very good on you.

  12. So beautiful
    If India was a person....s/he would be blushing

    Could I please request a poem about Nigeria...........please

    1. I will write about Nigeria soon, hopefully I don#t mess it up.

  13. Hello Lara,

    I've been following your blog for sometime. Its interesting that your life almost sort of mirrors my life. I lived and worked in India (Mumbai)for 18 months. It was a love hate relationship. All the stares, beggars, highs, lows, cheapness of the situation ie "threading my eyebrows" for 15 rupees and visiting spas at ridiculously cheap prices, I miss it all but its all sort of bitter sweet!

    I am visiting Berlin with a friend first weekend in October for my first Oktoberfest ever! Never mind that I am not a beer drinker.. Have you been to Berlin? I was in Hanover for the last schutzenfest.. that was interesting
