
Saturday, 2 June 2012

The Women in my life.

Today is all about arranging the room.
I finally got a place to stay as I have been staying in a girl's room in one of the students dorm in Bonn. She was travelling and allowed me stay for 2 weeks. I later moved to a friend's place for 4days.

Anyways I got a room and I will be living in the same apartment with my friend, another Nigerian and a Kenyan girl. I am right now trying to figure out how I want the room to be arranged, pushing cupboards and furniture around. 

Westlife's "Raise me up" started playing on my system.
I love this song, it reminds me of the wonderful women in my life.

It's been 16 years since my maternal grand mother passed away. 
This woman raised me, even my mother can not compete with her in my heart.
My mother comes second place after her.
The first 10years of my life was spent with her.

My mother, what will I ever do without this woman.
My interest free bank, my backbone.
Those who know my mum and I, might actually be amazed at this.
My mum and I fight a lot, we never agree on this...
She is as stubborn as I am.
She puts me on my toes, I always make sure to give a second thought to things before doing them.
Getting my mother to agree to the things I want always requires effort, fights, selling and begging.

These women raised me up to be the product that I am.
Listening to the below lyrics, gives me joy and I am forever grateful to this 2 wonderful and awesome women for my life, for my present and definitely my future.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be. 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, while I go back to deciding what to do with my room

Kisses from Bonn
♥ Lara


  1. *snif* God bless your mom. Nice tribute to her for raising a fine daughter

  2. That's one of their best songs for me. God bless those that raised us up, Amen.

  3. It's one of my favourite Westlife songs. Thank God for the strong women in our lives.

  4. Such a lovely tribute
    I'm sure they know how special you are
    May God bless you for this

  5. This post just put a large smile on my face as i remember the strong women that nurtured and shaped my young life. They deserve the tribute!

  6. *now making a toast* to the women who raised us up.


  7. *now making a toast to the women who raced us up*

