
Thursday, 14 June 2012

1 month in Bonn

It's been over one month I left India and arrived in Bonn.
I miss India, I miss my eccentric cheap life
I miss my team-mates in TCS
I miss arguing with the Rickshaw wala and accusing him of trying to cheap me.
I miss the stares, the crazy life I had.
I miss my flatmates and all my friends.

But like they say, Life must go on.
I must say I find Bonn boring.
Yeah, the opportunity to get the passport stamped is tempting and consoling.
It lacks the warmth and life of India or, the madness of Nigeria.

I found an African shop which sells basically everything Nigerian and African.
All the food I missed in the last 17months, I have been consuming in the last one month.
My shoes finally arrived from India today, I am so happy.
So my camera charger is missing, I would have to buy a new camera if I cannot get charger here.
It actually has warranty, but unfortunately all the documents are in India.
I hate the fact that I have a camera and cannot use it or the idea that I might have to buy another one.
How I forgot it in India is the most annoying thing.

I wish summer would just come, I hate the rain and cold.
Ramadan starts next month, it sure is going to be very difficult and long.
It will no longer be fasting from 5am to 7pm, I shall fast for longer hours.
3am to 9.30 or 10pm.
God will see me through.

I hope to enter Nigeria in August, I hope things work out as planned.
I finally got my friend to take me to Koln (Cologne).
It is a bigger city, with more to see and shopping centres.
Rotterdam ( Netherlands) and Brussels (Belgium) are on the travel list for July.
I hope my travel partners do not mess up.

Sneak Peak of Bonn 

Kisses from Bonn
♥ Lara


  1. Aww, l know how you feel but it would get better, hang in there. Just see it like another fun experience :=)

  2. Bonn is beautiful.
    its just another experience, am sure u'll find some fun places if you really look

  3. Ah! 3am to 9.30 or 10pm for Ramadan? All the best o

  4. LOL @ being bored
    Germany is known for efficiency ....not excitement so you'll have to accept it oh
    Hope all is well with you

    1. All is well, just that I am still adjusting to the different life. Over efficiency is worrying them here.

  5. I hope you have a great time there. Pictures kind of remind me of the UK.

  6. Hmm... This 3am to 9:30 pm. All the best o... Love the pics. Bonn will grow on you, I'm sure.

  7. Nice pictures. You will get used to Bonn dear. So sorry about your camera. Take care...

  8. You're already making friends nau... don't worry, every city you get to anew is usually boring until you start making friends. When you talked about the crazy stares in India, you remind me of Singapore. haha.
    God will see you through your time in Bonn; dont worry. Get your camera sorted quick o, we want to see pics. Yes, I am speaking on behalf of a lot of people. haha

    - LDP

  9. I apologize for not stopping by for so long...didn't know you left India!'re truly an ajala...make the best of Bonn dear :)

  10. lol@NIL's comment. But Germany is still pretty shaa in its efficency.
    Ahh the fasting hours and summer. not easy. God will be with you dear and make you strong.
