Another 365 days added...

It is 12.53am IST, April 26th...Today is my born day.
My page on the office portal was filled with cake yesterday and I am told that is will be the look of my page for the whole week...Excited, I cried last year...I don't intend to cry this year.
My mum just sent an SMS and I am overwhelmed...I love that woman.

I was back in Mumbai for the long break, went for paintball with other interns and some friends...I had fun.
Even though, I do not have family around, I get to share my little moments of joy with friends I have here.
I finally decided on dinner with all TSC-Hyderabad interns and a mutual friend.

I am happy, not just because it is my birthday...I have decided to be happy in spite of the sadness around.
I hope nothing takes this smile away from my face.

♥ Lara

Molara Brown



  1. Happy Birthday!!! Wishing you all of God's blessings

  2. Happy Birthday! May you enjoy all of the joys in life.

    You have a wonderful mother. I think she would agree that friends are 'family' too.

  3. Happy birthday dear! I wish you all the best in all you do. And nothing will ever wipe that beautiful smile off your lovely face. Have a blessed day.

  4. Awww Happy birthday Larah. God bless your next 365 days and beyond :)

  5. Just keep smiling, this is the beginning of another great year!

  6. Happy belated birthday ma'am! God bless and keep you as you sojourn through life

  7. Nothing would take your smile away. Relax, enjoy you and life. When I first saw '365 days added', I thought you meant an additional year in India. Then I realized it was your b'day. Hope you had a good one. A happy new year to you!

  8. Happy Belated birthday!...You've got many days ahead to be filled with joy

  9. Belated Birthday wishes girl. Glad you started your new year on a positive note. It is well with you!

  10. Happy Birthday on here too Larah... Seem fun in India is endless for you. Stay blessed, Sis :)

    - LDP

  11. Thank you all for the birthday wishes and prayers...Had an awesome night.

