Wonders of Hyderabad: Golkonda Fort and The Buddha Statue

My friends,  Ibifiri and Micheal are back in Nigeria, they are done with their internship. Micheal is still considering coming back to India for another Internship, this time in his field of study, Architecture...right now I am the only girl left with 4 boys and 2 of them are leaving at the end of the month.Weekends are now spent in my flat.

Last weekend,I visited the Golkonda Fort and Buddha Statue with a couple of fellow interns The Golkonda fort is a ruined city situated on the outskirts of Hyderabad. The walls have ears was a phrase which I always thought was figurative till I visited the fort. One can hear what is said in another section of the palace clearly...I bet in those days amebo was just not possible in the kingdom.

Later in the evening, we went to Hussain Sagar to see the Buddha Statue. The 18m high monolithic statue of the Buddha is the largest in the India. The Hussain Sagar Lake in which Statue is situated is artificial built in 1562 to meet the water and Irrigation need of the city.
In the Auto (AKA Keke Napep or Marwa)
relics from the Palace

Cultural Text in Braille

Indian Family having lunch
An Hindu Temple inside the fort
At the Buddha Statue:

♥ Lara  from Incredible India

Molara Brown



  1. Laura, thank you for a lovely trip through the fort at Hyderabad. I've visited India many times, but, unfortunately never there. Your photos make me want to hop onto the next plane!

    The Buddhist statue is made of marble, right? The location brings to mind the Christ statue in Rio de Jenero. Different religons, different parts of the world...I find all of this so interesting.

    What a difference a year makes, eh? This time last year you were studying for exams, now you're out into the world. Go, girl, go!

  2. WOW!!!!Those pictures r breathtaking!Even we don't have that much historic relic back home in Naija!*I'M SOO ENVYING YOUR TRIPS*!!!
    Hope u doing good?When does ur internship end, n like what next thereafter???

  3. @T.Notes: I am here for till December, and maybe back to Naija or spend another year here...till then

  4. Someone is having a splendid experience out there.. make the best out of it and keep the updates coming in

  5. Aww have fun girl, loving the view, so happy for you!!!

  6. One step at a time then...well just as long as you don't find your own sanjay and go n get pinned in india!Nonetheless,things can only get better. Maximise the opportunity babes!

  7. Seeing your pictures make me want to visit India so much! These are great.

  8. beautiful pictures and buildings!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. hey lara! am a regular reader of your blog and am in india!! am zambian!


