
Wednesday, 16 February 2011

TCS-AIESEC Global Village III: (Country Presentation) 26th February

Country presentation (food and dance)...I only got to taste the vegetable soup made by Lilian...them Indians ate all the food. We were actually surprised at the number of people that came, because most Indians are vegetarians...we were told a large number of Chennai people were vegetarians. In our mind, we were going to balance and eat our food ourselves because it contained Egg, Mutton and Chicken. To our surprise these people kept coming back till the whole thing finished...even the Plantain cake I made for myself was gone...
The Nigerian Booth
Talking about Nigeria
Also made Plantain cake, I got to take a spoon...the Indians ate it all
The Serbian Booth

With the Global HR Head, Mr Yogesh
My German Flatie in the German Traditional Regalia
Dancing the Naija way


  1. Wow, this is fantastic! World-wide, I think people are eager to get to know each other and don't let a bit of chicken spoil the experience. Well done!

  2. You are an AISEC-er? My sister was one in University and I thought it was a really good idea. We had house guests from Germany and other places.

  3. Gbogbo enjoyment! Did u peeps do a choreographed Naija dance?
    And that skirt... likey likey the lenght!

  4. Hey Lara, thanks for visiting. Wow! now I regret not completing my application for a program in India. It does look like home away from home. Looks like you're having mega fun!
