
Saturday, 15 January 2011

30 Days in India

Today is my 30th day in India and 28th day in Hyderabad.
I am still having fun, weekends are spent with my Naija family, most of them are leaving soon, so I am enjoying every non work free time with them.

Yeah, It is my blogoversary...Yeah the blog was 4yrs on the 13th of January...
Four years of Randomness and discovering the woman I am and still intend to become.
The blog has been my outlet, emotionally and all all....(most emotional post deleted already)

 By the time I leave India I will have to check my sugar level and my English...My English is upside down, don't know which is worse, speaking English with the Indians or the Europeans, all I know is my English has developed K-leg. All I hope rice, egg and chicken does not grow in my head, because that is all I eat everyday.

The Fire alarm in the office went off during the week, and JJC me parked all my load and moved out gently with every body else...only for me to get out and be told it is a fire drill which takes place every 3 months. The Lithuanian chick and I felt so dumb when we realized what was happening.
I finally moved into the apartment last flat mates are Kristina(Lithuanian team mate), Sandra ( German, also with TCS), Jose(Columbia, also with TCS) and Fernando (Brazilian dude with Novartis) whose former flat we went to on my second night in Hyderabad and He was kicked out of the flat. The other tenants said they did not want him staying in the apartment, that he was disturbing their peace. 

At the moment, only Jose and I have moved into the flat, the other girls are still not sure when they would move and Fernando is out of town. By the end of this week, we would all be complete in the flat.

Another Nigerian is joining the ever-growing TCS family and he is coming to Hyderabad, so I guess we will be rocking Hyderabad together, when the others leave.

And please what is this talk about an addition to the Zodiac Sign, now I am no longer a Taurean but Aries...I love being a bull, even though most of the predictions were never true for me.

♥ Lara  from Incredible India


  1. #JJC indeed, its fire alarm testing jor. Didn't they circulate an email before they did that ni or u didn't get it? In my office, they'd circulate an email like a day before and then 15 or 30mins before so ppl are aware...

    How is the guy disturbing their peace? lol. You better find out before you get comfortable living with him. lol

    - LDP

  2. In a strange environment all you can do is trust your instincts and keep safe.

    Versatile and stylish: you've been tagged, missy. check out the rules on my blog.

    Happy Sunday and New Week!

  3. 30 days already? Wow! Time sure does fly.

    Happy Anniversary!!!

    I hope your living situation works out just fine!

  4. Congrats on 4 years...its no easy feat at all o.

    As for Fernando, hope he wont start disturbing ur own peace o...anyways there's the option of kicking him out as well if he does.

    For now ur English is still sound, so no, no cause for alarm yet

    PS: I tagged u as a stylish and versatile blogger over at mine...more details there ;)

  5. ah ahn! no picture)s)??????

    hapi blogversary!

  6. Btw, I've tagged you for the Stylish and Versatile award.
    Please visit my blog to know what you are expected to do!

  7. India ... wow. Never been. Per the zodiac signs, my dear, the thing tire me oh. They're crazy, all the people that came up with this nonsense conspiracy theory. *HISS*

  8. happy blogversary lara-from-india-with-charming-love!!!!
    heyyy,n put up some pictures4 us to relish!

    hahaha,more deets!!!

  9. Happy blogoversary!! 4 not small

    looks like u r having fun -nice!

  10. wow 4 years. Happy anniversary babe : )
