Birthday, Our President is dead

It's my sister, Aishat's wishing her Allah's blessings, happiness and love.

They say our President Yar 'Adua died yesterday, heard this morning on my way to work...The man had seized to exist to me a long time and his death was no shock but as a Muslim, I said the necessary prayers expected of me upon hearing about the death of a fellow Muslim. We got our self a new president, the acting has been deleted from his name. He is now the 15th President abi is it Head of State of our beloved Nigeria. All the best to now President GoodLuck Jonathan...Hope that man can move us to better grace.

♥ Lara

Molara Brown


  1. dat dude has bn dead a lng time jare. hapi to ur sister. is tat ur pix? nice one. thanks for stopping over at mine. FOLLOWING U TOO

  2. That is my sister's picture. Thanks for following

  3. So r u all that fuine in your family??!lol!Oh yeah,yaradua died. I was glad2 turn the car around n head back home. Slept till 3pm!

    Thanx4 the birthday holler! Y do i suspect you work with a.p muller maersk?

  4. @T.Notes: I wish, work for a different organization

  5. Sorry about your president, Happy birthday to your sis

  6. your sister is cute, president's wife should be blamed for all ,guess her drama is over now

  7. It was on the news in the States that your President died. Popular or not with the people, a human being died and a prayer is offered up. And I thought it was beautiful to blog as you did, Lara. Very classy!

  8. belated birthday greetings to your sis..first time here and i love your template..

