
Thursday, 29 April 2010

Bbc, Olusosun And Nigerian Middle Class Hypocrisy By Odumorun

Read this article/post/writeup on Naira Land ...Even though some point I do not agree with, I would say the Man hit the nail right in the head

What is it with many educated Nigerians that we can't take the truth and get so upset when foreigners see through our bluff and bluster and point out what anybody who's ever lived in Nigeria knows - that we are a poor, underdeveloped mismanaged country where most people live in abject poverty.

True the western media play up the negatives, because it is in their interest to do so. But we're not the only country they dislike; they dislike the Libyans, Iranians and Chinese more than they do us, because they challenge them while we don't. So if they could show people eating from dustbins in these countries they definitely would. If they don't show such images from Tehran, Tripoli and Beijing, it’s because it probably doesn't happen there.

Of course most Nigerians don't live in Olusosun, but neither do most Nigerians live in the houses we see in Nollywood - I have not seen too many Nigerians complain about the false image Nolllywood portrays of contemporary Nigerian life. Most people in Lagos live in crowded, fetid and stinking slums, with no access to proper drainage, drinking water, parks, good roads. A couple of Nigerians I Know, educated, comfortable and westernised, the most pretentious and artificial variety and those most outraged by the BBC documentary, denied that most Lagosians lived in slums, pointing out that many lagosians didn't. There are nice places in Lagos, but every and I repeat every posh neighbourhood in Lagos is surrounded by a sprawling endless slum. Apapa is swamped by Ajegunle, Surulere by Itire and Masha, Akoka by Shomolu and Bariga, Palmgrove by Mushin and Oshodi. 4 million people live in Ajegunle with no access to water, good toilets and roads. Living in filthy crumbling tenement blocks infested with rats and vermin and a few well off middle class people get upset because foreign cameras only see the the oceans of penury and not islands of relative comfort diotted across them

We delude ourselves that we are developed becos in the popular Nigerian saying "there is nothing you want in the world that you can't buy in Nigeria' Very true, but how many of those things were produced in Nigeria. Countries are not defined as great due to the amount they consume; they are because of the amount they produce. We drive the best cars and expect the world to acclaim our taste, even when we can't manufacture bicycles. We wear the best shoes and shirts, celebrating our fashion sense and wonder why people laugh at us, when we can't generate enough electricity to run a shoe repair shop let alone a shoe factory. We boast about our shops being full of the latest electronic and computer gadgets yet have been unable to master the art of manufacturing transistor radios first built 200 years ago in the 19th century. we glide around town in the best cars produced by foreign brains and have a railway system based upon the Victorian gauge and expect ourselves to be taken seriously by a broadcasting company the BBC currently ruled by the Granddaughter of the Queen in whose time our railway was built and not since upgraded. We live in a circus and complain when people laugh at us. We consume everything and produce nothing; our engineers work in Banks, our scientists in finance houses and expect to be taken seriously.

Some of those guys interviewed in Olusosun spoke better English than some of the past and even some rumour (present occupant) of our presidential villa and they live in a dump, while half wits rule over us. The only difference between many who have made it (or at least think they have) and those guys in Olusosun is not intelligence or ability, but opportunity, a wealthy or generous uncle, some connections’ abroad, family etc.

Some say Lagos is changing, I know it is. Oshodi is now free of traffic it is true, no more wretched hollow cheeked masses all desperately trying to sell the same thing, trying to eke out a living and spoiling the view for those of us fortunate to be gliding through in our air conditioned cars. Now we can bring in foreign friends and drive them around Lagos pretending it is now a mega city because the downtrodden have been kicked out to go and die in the village. Let them go and farm we say. But people on the farms are hungrier than tose in the city. Why ?. Because Nigeria is not hungry because we dont produce enough food, we actually do, we simply cant store what we produce and transport it. Most people in England buy fresh vegetables for instance in sainsbury or tesco, what do you feel when you pick the grocerry's from the aisle yes it is cool, electricity. if you buy them in open market, they were just delivered by a refirgerated truck. So if you live in the rural areas and produce two tons of pepper and tomato, youn will still be hungry in a week. If there was no regular power in Nigeria, they would be as hungry as we are, even f they all lived on the farm

People can like you for free, but respect is not free, it has to be earned - what have we done to earn the world's respect. Our educated class complain about the government all the time, but mirror their faults - we are brash, loud, boastful and pretentious, we define ourselves by what we consume, not what we produce and expect the world to respect us. Engineers abroad point to their work, bridges, dams, complex constructions, chemical plants etc, ours point to their imported cars, chieftaincy titles and fancy clothes and take umbrage at the lack of respect they are afforded outside our shores, where achievement not status is what is measured. Foreign doctors point to academic papers, new methods of working, ours to their titles. Our soldiers who go to war are forgotten, the ones who seize political office are celebrated. How many of us know the names of any army officer who excelled in the wars in Liberia or Sierra Leone? Yet even Lizards in Lagos know the names of soldiers who sat in political office looting the nations. What did we train our soldiers for at public expense for war or political banditry. Yet those who fight bravely in war are unknown, while those who dodge what they were trained to do to sit down at home and steal money are the ones we all know and we expect the world to respect us, we are angry when they mock us - we have a long way to go, a very long way.

There is only one route to the worlds respect, handwork, honesty sacrifice and above all courage. Those young men in Olusosun had nothing, but they had courage, the courage to risk contempt and ridicule rather than steal, the courage to work hard, the courage to make do with what they have, the courage to be resourceful, the courage to be themselves, not pretend t foreigners that they were anything more than what the world knows them to be.

That such people could be condemned to life on a waste dump in a country ruled by criminals is to our everlasting shame. So rather than whinging because the foreigners we work with have now seen the emptiness of our society.

Monday, 26 April 2010

25 Things.

Isn't the cake can take an e-bite
1. Family is first...that’s after God sha oh…my mum and sisters are my world…subsequently future husband and children can take over

2. I am a Muslim, a believer in God, the prophets, the Qur’an and to those who are asking why I am a Muslim, I don’t have to explain my choice.

3. I have always been, used to been in control, finding it difficult to let others control me.

4. I am most definitely adventurous and future hubby sure must be.

5. I’m the third child of my father, the first of my mother, and the only child they have between them.

6. I was born left-handed, but thanks to Iya Ijebu i.e. my late grandma, that was never to be...she connived with and coerced class teacher to force my right hand to work.

7. I always wonder why people say am rude, proud and love wahala but am so humble, gentle but wahala loving

8. I am a sucker for friendship, I treasure my friends...they excite me, make me laugh and talk endlessly, give me hope...I know have been a bad friend lately, please forgive me...I have gossips, pretentious and bossy friends...can’t stand them...

9. I’m a talkaholic, okay my family already know this; don’t know who talks more between my sister, zainab and I.

10. I love to argue, it’s so much fun to antagonize...find it funny when people get angry when am arguing, we don’t have to on the same page...that is why lawyers are making money...

11. I love and yearn for my “me time”, my room is my favourite place in the house.

12. I believe I am a guy trapped in a female body, not that I don’t love being a girl.

13. I love breaking rules it’s just fun when you don’t do what people expect of you

14. I have a thing for capturing moments and nature...

15. I am a very bad listener, I just pretend to listen but sincerely my mind is totally elsewhere.

16. I love having fun, I love the outdoors but am more of an indoor person

17. I am a procrastinator, I seriously need help with this

18. I am a hyper active person, easily get bored and can’t stay on things for too that bad?

19. I was interested, still interested in a career in the military, talking air force and navy not army oh...

20. I can dance from now till tomorrow, don’t know where the energy comes from, it just grips me and am lost in it,

21. An eccentric music lover...even though am hooked on Kate Voegele for now, Celine Dion is my all time favourite......

22. Never tasted custard in my life

23. If I were taller would have been a model...attended modelling class for a day and when I woke up the next day with pain all over, I forgot about it.

24. Was bullied at the primary school I attended for class five

25. Love quotes, poems and most definitely bags...

♥ Lara

It's my birthday...

today is my birthday, I am finally 25...

♥ Lara

Friday, 23 April 2010


I got this unexpected gift from Kitte Howard, a sunshine award...Thank You Kittie
As expected I am passing on this award because I believe you deserve it and your various blogs are all wonderful...pass the sunshine around

Onosetale: A cornucopia of my thoughts
Lani: G.R.I. P
Harry Itie: The Talkaholic
Jaycee: Light a Lamp
Bagucci: In Retospect
Muyiwa: People In the Limelight
Suru: Suru

Have a lovely week end...Love you all

♥ Lara

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Anyway by Mother Teresa

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

All I ask for is Quality...

The first time I saw Chinese or is it Korean laborers...can't tell the different between them Asian people...on the construction site of the yet to be completed Intercontinental Hotel on Kofo Abayomi street on the Island, I wondered aloud. I judged and questioned their decision, wondering why they could not make use of Nigerian Laborers.

On Saturday, my mother had to practically destroy the already laid down foundation of her house, because it is too close to the boy’s quarter and the iron used cannot hold the building. The fence of our house which is just barely four months old has a crack and she is told that to prevent collapse she has to fill it with raw cement and Iron rod...all these done by our Nigerian laborers...all at double the price and now she is going to be spending more than she originally spent.

Now I do not blame the contractors who had to import their own laborers because they want quality, they do not want a building that will collapse in the near future and every one would ask why they did a shoddy job in the first place.

Not that I am support the importation of brains down here but when you want the best you go the best even if it is going to cost you more….even if you have to go get them from across the Atlantic ocean...We no longer have they brains or should I say the people are no longer using their people no longer want to work hard, they no longer want to take their time to learn and be good at what they do; everyone wants to become an oga...

I am tired of having to complain about my fellow Nigerian, but they never fail to diappoint

When I ask for quality, quality is what I expect and quality is what I should get and nothing less

♥ Lara

Thursday, 15 April 2010


Today is my baby sister's 10th birthday!!! seems just like yesterday my mum had her...I remember when Zainab was born, was 15 years old, was so obsessed with her...remember lying to people that she was mine and I would get that you are so corrupt girl eye...Sometimes I feel like she should be so much older because she does not act her age at all...
She is such an amazing and great person.
I love you baby sis!!!
You have been such a joy and you deserve the world!!! Happy birthday !!!.

♥ Lara

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Pretty Wild....

Saw the new E! new reality Tv premier on sunday and can't help but say this family is pretty dysfunctional as can be...would like to ask what message E! is trying to pass across...going online I realized the show has generated a lot of criticism and even an ipetition to have it cancelled...Tess and alexis are actually "pretty wild" and infamous...please who has heard of them before the promotion for the show started...

Okay I find the show entertaining and believe that show is really scripted unlike we are made to believe...The girls are seriously over-acting...and they remind me of the Kardashians...I know some people see some of the reality tv stars as role models, they really are not teaching any lessons...

Recently I was thinking, if the Nigerian media decides make a reality tv show based on the private life of a particular celebrity, who would it be or rather who would generate the most fans or followers...I would like to know how Olu and Joke Jacobs are able to keep thier marriage despite both been in the same industry and influential people in thier own rights....

♥ Lara

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


I am tired of Lagos.
Thinking of moving out of this town.
Never thought a day would come when I would ever grow tired of this city
Never thought of living outside of my city of dreams...
Lagos is fast becoming a hell hole
Every day, it is one issue after another
I want to move out of Lagos to a quiet and serene place like Abeokuta or Ilorin
Where I would have peace and move freely without the fear of Lastma.

Lastma officials have become some serious menace.
Yesterday's protest by the public transport drivers was against the Lastma officials.
Every driver in Lagos has a tale to tell about Lastma Official.
Fashola has to tell us where the duties and responsibilities of Lastma officials start and end.
Every driver in Lagos is forced to go out with extra cash, because you never can tell if you will be unfortunate to be their guest and they never charge below N5000.

Did not come to work yesterday because of yesterday craze by the Agberos of Lagos who took it upon themselves to enforce the strike action embarked on by the Road Transport Union against Lastma officials. The bus I entered was turned back at the Mile2 area of Lagos, forward I could not go, backwards I could not return, all buses were stopped and all passengers chased down from the bus. Was at a particular spot for more than 2 hours, my mum had to come down there with a friend of hers to pick me up.

Everyday in Lagos, we risk our lives. A fight between two individual would in the next minute turn into a street fight leaving countless marred and dead.

Today it is Lastma, tomorrow it is Agbero/area boys or police officers, the drama of Lagos continously unfolds and I never want to be caught in the wrong spot.

♥ Lara

Friday, 9 April 2010

Ready for love-India Arie

I am ready for love
All of the joy and the pain
And all the time that it takes
Just to stay in your good grace
Lately I've been thinking
Maybe you're not ready for me
Maybe you think I need to learn maturity
They say watch what you ask for
Cause you might receive
But if you ask me tomorrow
I'll say the same thing "

If you give me half a chance
I'll prove this to you
I will be patient, kind, faithful and true
To a man who loves music
A man who loves art
Respects the spirit world
And thinks with his heart

-- India.Arie

Thursday, 8 April 2010


This came about following the recent blogsvile war following the SSD's TTTEC post about a young girl who had been raped by a friend...and Sugabelly's post on the same issue. I really was alarmed by the views held by fellow women on the issue of rape. You really need to read the original post to understand what I am saying. The said post has generated some serious bad blood in blogsville and I really am not surprised because the case of rape is a sensitive issue.

Particularly alarmed by the comments of a so called housewife who suggested the issue be swept under the carpet... in her words if it were her relation this happened to..."if na my sister or relation, i go take am go hospital then look for the boy to ask how e take happen, then i go give them long lecture, but police na no go area, because i no want the whole street to hear our matter & spoil her chances from getting a serious guy in future to marry! "

With these words, I lost any respect I should have had for this woman, her further comments made me want to vomit...Her comments were so uncalled for and disgraceful...guess wisdom does not come with marriage... she was only speaking her mind and sadly this is the belief of 80% of our African women... She who does not believe women can be raped by their husband cannot be expected to believe rape is never the girls fault...

They say women are their worst enemy and I so totally agree on that one...we women never stand by ourselves...we are always the one to point accusing fingers at ourselves...They are always the first to point accusing fingers at the raped girl and saying it is all her fault...they are the ones who justify the actions of the rapist and say the lady should have she us some witch who reads minds...

Even though there are two sides to a story, rape is rape...once the woman does not give her consent then, you have violated her...even if she said yes in the first place and later says no, she has not given her consent.

An Ex-room mate of mine once said she does not believe a woman can be raped, she said what happens to trying to fight him off...I laughed...not because it was funny but because I know she has never been in such situation...I remembered my near rape experience and funny enough just like the girl in the post, it was also a friend, not just a friend, He was someone I look up to...what was my offence, he felt I was rude and He had to teach me a lesson my raping really have to be in such situation to realize, not even your power, height or whatever you would have imagined you would do would save you...remember screaming, struggling and shouting all to no avail...something just entered his head and he just let me go...Like every other girl...I told no one
An classmate at the university had come to the room to tell us she was almost raped by a guy who was a friend to a friend...okay the gist was not pure when she told us and we refused to believe her...I do not know the know the guy and the mutual friend said she had slept over in his house a good number of times and such had never happened, the guy was also formerly asking a cousin out and that said she never experienced such thing...this classmate kept saying different things, so we chose not to believe her.
A week after, A mutual friend gisted the guy's friend about how the same dude had almost raped and battered a friend of her who came for her birthday party. According to the mutual friend, the guy was supposed to help convey her friends back to school from the club and one of them was dead drunk...

The guy seriously battered the girl; she was in the hospital for a week after the incident. The worst was when she ran to a church, after she finally wriggled herself free of the guy, despite the girl's claim and plead, that the guy wanted to harm her, they released her to him when he told them she was his girlfriend and they were just having a misunderstanding and they should not meddle in their matter...
We could not tell our friend the gist, as we really were ashamed at our selves, she was pretty angry with us all in the first instance.

It is sad that in our society we cannot get justice but worse is when, one refuses to report this issue for fear that it reduces their of marrying a serious guy in future...please what is that, even those that were not raped sometime do not get serious guys to marry them or even get married at all...all these shit we do, all in the name of getting married...

Rape should never be condoled, such act is totally unaccepted, We have to start dealing with the evil of this crime...Don't tell me she came unto you, don't tell she was provocatively dressed, don't tell me why did she drink or wear a mini skirt....we have to get rid of those stupid traditions and beliefs which harm us women and our women need to understand that the man who rapes is the one at fault, no matter the circumstances. A man who rapes just like a man who batters his woman is an animal.

♥ Lara

Wednesday, 7 April 2010


Found this really hilarious and thought to share...enjoy...

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Wasn't looking forward to seeing this two on my way home on friday, they are trouble...i mean trouble...always bickering and at each others throat...These two are bound to give me and their mother heart attack...They disappointed me and were good all through the holiday...No bickering, arguement or beating...something is wrong. They have not seen each other since January,so quess they really did miss eachother. Yours truly was also a good daughter to my mother, ran errands without complaing, and it paid off in the end...mum was really benevolent this holiday, paying for our hair, tickets fee to the cinema and plenty more.
Saw Clash of the Titans

♥ Lara

Thursday, 1 April 2010


11pm-March 31st, 2008: While gisting with my room mates my phone rang...Looking at the screen, It was an ex I had not spoken to in a very long time, even though, our halls of residence is a walkable distance.
Hi what's whats up, I said, we spoke for some couple of minutes and He promised to call me back. Hung up the phone and continued my gist with my room-mates.

12.30am-April 1
Oblivious of the date, my friend's number appeared on my phone screen, but the voice was strange
Hello is this Lara, the voice said.
Yes,speaking, I said
I am calling from LUTH at Idi-araba, he said. My heart skipped, this can't be good.
Jide just had an accident outside the school... he said,Your was the last number he dialed, that is why I am calling. Do you know how to get across to his family or friends.
Was already up on my seat, cracking my brain, truthfully I do not have any number of his friends not to talk of his family, see me see wahala...What would I do. You know what call me back in like 20 minutes, I would see what I can do, I said.
Lost and not sure what to do, can't even leave the hostel, gates been closed since 12 sharp.

Turning to my cousin, who happens to be my roommate and also know the dude, Tola, someone just called me and He said Jide just had an accident, I said. Everyone was quiet at that point, gist over...every one was suddenly sober.
Do you have Micheal or Ibrahim's number(These are Jide's friends and we all used to roll in Year 1), I said
Are you serious, thought he just called you some minutes back, where did this happening, she just kep barging me with question...where is my phone, think I should have Micheal's number...Unfortunately for us, she had a lot of Micheal stored on her phone, we had to start dialing from the first Micheal till we finally called the right one.

Micheal, where are you, She asked.
In the room, he said
Someone just called Lara and said Jide just had an accident, She told him. Are you serious, he just left the room and said he was coming, where did this happening, He said.
Someone is with his phone, call his number, we are also not sure what happened, do we meet outside your hall or ours, Tola said.
You know what, let me inform the other and we will come over to your hall.

Was already pull my nightwear and puttling on the available clothes in sight, even my room mates who did not know who we were talking about, were already getting dressed to follow us. At that moment, my phone rang, we are already on our way, I said into the phone.
April Fool, The voice said. What do you mean by april fool, still not getting the gist. At that  moment, Tola grabbed the phone from me and said to Jide, You are not serious, you want to give us hypertension.
That was when it dawned on me, I had just been April Fooled, we all started screaming in the room.
At that moment, someone screammed fire, fire and forgeting about the accident gist, we all ran out of the room. The corridor was already filled with girls outside their room, runing towards the stairs, not even bothered to know which room was actually burning.

When it dawned on us that it was a ruse, every one was pretty much angry..see as girls were cursing, heavy curses oh on the chick that screamed. Throughout that day, anything anyone told me was not believed and was actaually confirmed to be true before accepting.