
Thursday, 16 October 2008


My whole body hurts and have got blisters on my feet...the day has really been a long one for home some like thirty minutes ago...the rush is on to submit our B.A the last the twenty-four hour, I have only had two hours sleep. This sleeplessness started when I found out that the project submission deadline is on Monday the 20th...imagine my supervisor just approved my chapter three and just got my chapters one and two approved this Tuesday.

Had to a good four hours wait at the doorstep of my supervisor on Tuesday before I finally got to see him by five-thirty pm. I had to seriously defend my write up as he was of the opinion that a girl who is on the verge of graduating with a shaking second class lower degree write with that much dexterity. In his words..."if you write this well, how come you are not on a second class upper" and i kept hearing words such as "this is not your style", "this is not your language","someone is writing this for you".... what was on my head was just that he should approve and stop complaining. Did not leave school until 7 pm and had to go all the way to my aunt's house armed with my approved chapters.

Did not sleep at all-all because i was trying to get my chapter four...the guy that promised me internet service for the night fucked up and had to make do with the little materials i had and a confusing data...

The sun today was extremely hot..was already soaking wet by the time i got to school...On getting to school, there was no light to print my materials ...had to chill my friend who was making her hair...after that  went to the faculty and began the long wait to see my supervisor again-this time to get my chapter three and to find out the consequences of failing to meet the submission deadline...the wait today was also long as every one is rushing to meet the deadline...

Was roaming round school with my friend as she was also waiting to see her course adviser...the walk was just aimless. Finally got to see my supervisor and we still had same issue of not your style...but no arguments today...we just had a brief meeting and he gave me a very good comment with a 7 out of 10 mark...(am on the road to getting an A in my project)...asked him if i could default the deadline...and his answer was "if you want quantity, you submit on Monday and if you want quality, you take your time. Since i have always taken my time to write the project and am seriously aiming an A, I can't afford to risk that...

I have really come a long way with this project and can not afford any fuck up or delay to get the A...have got to go and sleep-cant work this night on the project...if i don't get this sleep...would definitely break down...can't die because of project oh...

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