It's a place to lay our head after the day's struggles and it provides us with security... This particular house has come to mean a lot to my family-more than we want to think of or appreciate...The significance of the house has always been underestimated...the house in question is my aunt's...the realization of its significance fully dawned on me yesterday morning-when my mum woke me up to tell we had to leave for the house...lately i have avoided visiting the house...something has always pulled me away from it...yet i run to it there's no where else to go...actually there is no where else to go to...whenever i have a fight with my mum and i want to leave our house...i move to the house...i partly grew up in the house...my childhood and secondary school days was spent shuttling between the house and my mothers'...whenever my mum was out of town...i was there...Holidays was spent there...even weekends are not left out...
Six years back when the bomb blast occurred in the military cantonment...we ran to the house...We always run to the house whenever the need arises...my family seen to feel secure when they are there- even though we always disagree with the inhabitants on almost all issues...
As the days go by...i guess i would appreciate the house more and more...time will come when i no longer be able to run to it-because i will move on with and the life might actually cease to exist...whichever way, it is still there for the time...
♥ Lara